Friday, 19 July 2013

But she's fat. I need to tell that Internet

Some folk are insecure. Sorry for the bluntness, but sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns and call a spade a spade. Especially when you're conjoining metaphors.

However, some folk are so insecure that they need the outlet of the comments section on a celebrity story to get their neuroses off their presumably flat chests.

Case in point; the lovely Gemma Arterton. English rose, award-winning actress, fit as fuck. However you dress it up, she done nothing wrong and seems to be making her way through life sporting tight togs to accentuate her 'curves' (newspaper speak for 'tits and arse'). A couple of days ago she turned up at some kind of pre-arranged shindig, wore some nice garb and had her picture taken.

Well, she had it coming didn't she? I mean, she was arskin' for it your Honour.

The number of people (presumably female given their clumsy Internet monikers) calling her fat was utterly ludicrous. I'm not a scientist or an expert in body mass to any serious degree, but at your most negative you could describe her as 'top-heavy', which in my day was the very definition of a compliment to a bit of fluff down the old battle cruiser. Presumably such ill-informed barbs have a cleansing effect on the people making the comments, as if calling an attractive person fat somehow heals their soul and restores their idea of equilibrium. I doubt Gemma sees the comments, thinks 'God, they're right, I'm a right pie-arse' and descends into a spiral of self-loathing and Kit Kat consumption. In all likelihood she doesn't give the shiniest of shites.

I'm all for free speech, but you have to draw a line somewhere. I'm not defending top-heavy lovely Gemma specifically; most stories carrying pictures of people perceived to be fly tend to be inundated with negative responses regarding their physical appearance. By all means pick on them for the questionable morals, clothing or tattoos, but saying someone is fat just because you're jealous is bogus, dude.

At the end of the day, as long as people have got holes in their arses they're going be mean to people better than them to bolster their rock-bottom confidence, and restore parity in their fantasy world where Tulisa or Adolf actually give a rat's ass about your opinions. Presumably that's why people keep putting dog dirt on my door handles.