Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Fashion? Gashion more like

Why can't I buy a normal short-sleeved shirt any more? At one time, your choices were straightforward: long sleeves or short sleeves. I have a penchant for the shorter variety (no jokes) so I opted for the latter.

These days, though, the only short sleeves you can get are these mock rolled-up affairs that make you look like an extra from Hollyoaks. Call me a traditionalist, but if I want rolled up sleeves, I'll roll my fucking sleeves up.

I went looking for a new shirt the other day (see, it does happen) but I couldn't find any normal clothing. In fact, most togs these days seem to be designed for anaemic, drainpipe-legged millionaires, possibly with a liking for inappropriate hats. You can stick that lot up your arse, pal.

In conclusion, could someone, anyone whose job it is to design clobber please spare a thought for the common man; he who doesn't want to look like a Razorlight groupie, but someone who wants to look smart and make the most of his class A backside. Amen.

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