A colleague of mine once sagely opined that if a woman was to enter his office, open her blouse and enquire as to the contents' quality, said chap would be more than delighted. If however, he was to offer her the same right to reply on his trouser furniture, the local constabulary would be involved quicker than you could say "love truncheon".
This morning, a chirpy southern lady spent a few minutes on the radio explaining and ultimately defending her new website, which allows wives who are bored with their marriages to gather, converse and ultimately brag about the affairs they're currently enjoying.
Imagine if you will a world where a website existed solely for blokes to boast about their extra-martial doings; all hell would break loose. Woman's rights groups would go off the chart, slagging off the menfolk and displaying levels of penis envy previously uncharted. There may already be a site dedicated to this particular niche, but its proprietor hasn't been in the national press bigging it up, to my extensive knowledge.
I'm not naive enough to suggest that women aren't capable of initiating affairs, but it is my experience that it's usually the bloke who is doing the dirty, while the wronged wife sits at home, none the wiser, poring over a BettaBuy catalogue. The existence of this new website bucks that particular notion, but it seems to have taken it beyond a simple support group for women who are stuck in loveless marriages, and instead seems to celebrate their adulterous ways. And that's just bogus.
It subsequently turned out that this woman was very happy in every aspect of her marriage except the bonking bit, but rather than approach her husband about it, she went off with some other chap then founded this website to document her progress. Ignoring the moral ambiguity of affairs, doesn't she think that encouraging this kind of behaviour via an online support group is more detrimental to marriages than suggesting they actually talk to each other and sort their shit out?
My attitude to affairs needs no further airing here, but my attitude to marriage is similar to people in jobs they don't like - if you don't like it, fuck off and find a new one. Don't just stick with what you've got and moan about it. And certainly don't broadcast the various ins and outs (arf) of your affairs for like-minded harridans to gorge on like the sex-starved morality vacuums that they clearly are. Jesus wept.
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