Friday, 1 February 2008

Be impolite, it saves time

Last night I saw one of my colleagues in Tescos. She was in a world of her own so I didn't make eye contact. This morning I got to work and had completely forgotten about seeing her until I bumped into her. I then uttered a phrase which cost me 5 solid minutes of my life:

"I saw you in Tescos last night"

Now, far be it from me to be mysoginistic (how many times have I started a sentence like that?) but if I had said that to a bloke he would have done one of three things:

1) Said "Oh yeah?" in a disinterested tone
2) Ignored me on the basis of the campness of the statement
3) Faked an elaborate and sarcastic yawn

However, the lady in question embarked upon an epic tale of the various stores she'd visited, how she couldn't find what she wanted so ended up in Tescos, and she asked the woman if they had it and she said they did but she wasn't sure where it was then it turned up in a pile of them but it was priced at £4.50 which seemed a bit cheap but it was actually that price so now I've got to get her something extra for her birthday and so on and so on and so on.

As she is a lovely lady I had no choice but to listen to this drivel, each second passing with me screaming inside for this torture to end. However, I know full well that if I see her again anywhere, I'm keeping my trap shut.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you what she was buying. A Hannah Montana DVD. Christ.

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