Friday, 26 September 2008

(Fog)light up my life

It was a bit foggy on the way to work today, so you know what that means. People who can usually be filed under 'normal' or 'right-thinking' suddenly become rebranded as 'cretins'. Every possible light is on, including foglights. Check previous vitriolic posts about that very subject, but prepare for coarse language.

The thing is, the hilly nature of my route to work means you start off in fog and rapidly move out of is as you descend. This doesn't seem to make any difference to the other drivers though, who adopt a 'better safe than sorry' policy of leaving their lights on despite the fact they're now being blinded by the sun.

What really gets me though is when I'm in a line of traffic, reasonably well spaced out (distance-wise, not mushroom-wise) and travelling at a decent speed, so I only bother putting my sidelights on rather than the full gun. There's drivers within a few metres to the front and the back so I'd be very disappointed if they couldn't see me and we had some kind of collision. However, there's always one jackass coming from the other direction, sporting the aformentioned Wembley-on-wheels light configuration, who flashes you as if to say "You've not got enough lights on. You'll end up killing someone, possibly of the middle class. Oh the humanity!". Or summat.

If I had the time, the next time this happened I'd U-turn, pursue the braindead wankjacket, accost them at the next junction, pin them up against a wall and politely ask them the following question:

"If I need to put more lights on, squire, how did you know I was there?"

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